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Day: August 29, 2018

Money Mastery – Three Easy Steps to Mastering Your Financial Destiny

When I was a kid I was constantly told, "We can not afford that; we can only get this; ask your dad if you can have that; you must save your money for a rainy day; start saving now for retirement." Do not get me wrong, I understand the intent of some of these messages and that they may even hold value for some people but I also have learned that these statements can lead to potential financial paralysis.

By hearing those statements over and over again, I developed what could have been my Money Destiny. That Money Destiny led me to believe I would never have enough money, that I must always save and never spend, and that I was not financially safe. These messages repeated themselves in my mind every time I needed to make a money decision or anytime I thought about money. Soon thereafter I found myself resenting the "mean green" and at times wanting to rebel against it. Thank goodness I realized one day that should I continue down this same Money Destiny road, I was destined to have just enough (not plenty) or none at all for that matter or worry about money constantly, and stay in the middleclass.

When I noticed how I was making decisions that would keep me in the same place and never propel me forward financially, I knew it was time to bust my old patterns, break debilitating money-habits, and create a new money system, a new Money Destiny. Doing this was going to take some mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical work, oh yeah, and financial work as well! It meant I was going to have to stop listening to what I had been told all my years growing up as a child as well as stop playing the "tape recording" of these messages over in my mind. It also meant I was going to have to buck this old system every time it flashed before my eyes! My intention in sharing this article with you is to help you break down your conditioned mindset and build it up with a new one that actually works with you and not against you. This is a mindset that YOU are going to create, nobody else will be creating it for you. Is not that exciting?

So what does mastering money look like? Mastering your money literally boils down to one thing: your mindset. Have you ever noticed that when your bills are paid off for the month and you have some extra "bread" in savings, you are just bouncing around the planet like you are rich (even if you are not)? However, on the contrary, have you noticed that when you do not have enough to make ends meet and you're struggling to figure out where the next dollar will come from to pay your rent or mortgage, you never seem to see the light ? And, have you ever noticed that you actually decided, either consciously or subconsciously, which …